Saturday, January 29, 2011


"EEEEK" is the response from most adults when you mention a mouse.  Yet humans constantly create them as adorable animations for children's stories.  At what point does an adult lose the affectionate humor associated with them they had as a child?  Maybe when we learn they nibble on our food if they get in our kitchen and leave little "signs" they have been there. This little guy was rescued with a humane trap and relocated to a natural habitat.  The photos give an up close and personal experience with this tiny creature.  I put him in an empty white dishpan with a clear glass cover on top.  Try and try again was his motto for escaping.  I wondered if he was thinking "If I just jump a little higher, I know I can get out..." but each mighty leap ended in a THUMP, as he bumped against the invisible shield keeping him prisoner.  Then, from time to time, he would simply stop and take a little cat-bath.  Grooming, licking his fur, fluffing it out, wiping his little ears, cleaning his long tail...the last photo seems to be a moment when he realized he was being watched as he bathed.  "EEEEK!"


Thursday, January 27, 2011

"CHARLOTTE" - The Green Lynx Spider

"Charlotte", the Green Lynx Spider was named after the movie "Charlotte's Web".  I spent months observing her from baby to proud and protective mother.  I was fascinated and inspired by her maternal dedication.  Her normally green body camoflaged pink like the flower she was on when she was pregnant.  She ate like she was eating for a 100, while her babies' eggs formed inside her tiny womb.  When it was time, she gently placed her eggs into the silk sac she made.  Never leaving it, she would go without food for long periods of time, patiently waiting.  Finally, the nursery sac burst open with many tiny baby Charlotte's!  They quickly camoflaged in reddish brown color, like the dead leaves around them.  They would all shed their first little skins together as they grew out of the old ones (seen in last photo below).  Charlotte was always there, ever vigilant, so no harm would come to them.  Then one day... they were all gone.

(Young Charlotte)

(Ahh, the lovely pink gentle glow of pregnancy.)

                                ( NOT get between a pregnant female and her food!)

(Notice the stretch marks, I felt so much better knowing all mothers can get

(The joy of a noisy, busy nursery...does the young mother look a little 'crazy' in the eyes to you too?!  Guess the romanticism of having children has worn off, ya think?)


The Swallowtail was the first butterfly I became aware of in my garden.  Here are a few who visited from time to time.  Gracefully elusive as I followed from flower to flower waiting impatiently for them to pause long enough for a photo.  I thanked them each for their gift of beauty which I share with you here. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Meet Bubba and Mabel Beetle.  A handsome couple of iridescent green beetles.  I saved Bubba from drowning in the water of the bird bath.  He was ever so grateful, as was his lovely wife Mabel who was close by.  I was delighted to have met such interesting residents of my garden.  With Bubba's beard and Mabel's long eyelashes...they made very nice portraits.


                                                                    Bubba Beetle

                                                                    Mabel Beetle

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Gardens

To begin, let us visit my garden/backyard wildlife habitat with a few photos.  Each view in their own season.  The very nature of Life is ever changing.  Like the moon, waxing and waning,  Mother Earth breathes in and breathes out.  I experience her changes, with both sadness and anticipation.  It is human nature to want to hold on to something, she/M.E. helps us learn to trust and let go.  There is no such thing as an "end" to anything, only a transformation of that Life energy.

I look forward to introducing many of the tiny fascinating creatures who live in my Secret Garden...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mother Earth

"The Whisper"... all of life's wisdoms are as the whisper of the butterfly.  Quiet your thoughts and listen closely to your inner self.  Each day consciously seek joy in some small thing, for it already awaits your discovery.  In that moment you will experience Oneness with All That IS.  Keep the child within you alive and well.  For it is that child within who will lead you in discoveries with renewed fascination, wonder and awe of the simplest of things.                                                                                                                        

I invite you to share my day to day experiences I do just this in the gardens of my own backyard wildlife habitat.  I will show you life as seen through the eyes of Mother Earth...the photo above is only one of many, many wonderful moments to come.

Mother Earth