Sunday, March 20, 2011


Ever wondered how a tiny little bug scratches his nose?  Me either, but I as I was taking these photos, I guess his had an itch and I caught the moment ...too cute!

Twitch twitch, gotta itch...

Scratch, scratch, scratch...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Learning about this tiny insect was a long process of "connecting dots".  What evolved over a year's span of photos for me, I will put in sequence for you here.  

The EGG:  


The TEEN:  Covers their body with various debris, so they can sneak past the ants that guard the aphids the Lace Wing larvae hunts for food.



I first noticed the baby caterpillar (Gulf Fritillary Butterfly) on the Passion Flower vine in my entrance walkway.  During the photo session, I did not even notice the ants on the same vine. It was not until reviewing the photos that I realized how clearly evident their attention to each other was.  I had, simply by chance, captured a brief social moment between their two very different species.

In the first photo the baby caterpillar is bending his head down toward the ant just below.  In the second photo the baby caterpillar has raised up on tip toe and is intently exchanging cordial acknowledgement with both new friends.

They seem to be introducing themselves for the first time.

The ant seems to have brought another ant to meet his new big, scary friend.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It never ceases to amaze me, as I observe the tiniest creatures... they act just like humans (or we act like them?)  Macho males and loudmouth young punks talking trash.  Yep, it is on all levels of life it seems.  However, the humor allowed the observer is one I enjoy immensely and share with you in the dramatic moments photographed below.  I will affectionately call them Big Dog and Lil Pup, which sets the mood of territorial dominance.  

 Big Dog Beetle eyes Lil Pup coming into his leaf space.
 Big Dog is cool and simply walks away, trying to ignore him. Maybe he'll just go away.
 But no, Lil Pup is like "Hey, whatcha doin? Wow, you big AND ugly. You a boy or girl?"
 Big Dog "WHOA, I KNOW he is NOT smelling my butt?!"
 Big Dog thinking  "Just ignore him and he'll go away.  Stay cool.  Stay calm."  
 Lil Pup "Hey, You a BIG bad boy beetle, huh?  Hey, I'm talkin' to you."
 Lil Pup huffing up his wings and lifting his butt  "Look at me, I'm bad.  You scared huh?"
 "Yeah, you SHOULD be scared.  Maybe I'll just come over there and slap you off MY leaf!"
 "Yeah, that's right.  You too scared to even look at me, huh?  You're not so BIG and BAD?" 
 Then slowly, Big Dog starts turning his head ... Lil Pup "Uh Oh...Gotta go!"
 RUN Lil Pup, RUN!  Big Dog's tired of you talkin' smack and gonna whoop your a__!
However, some time later...Lil Pup gave Big Dog the respect he deserved.